Before/After CareWelcome to Xplore
The Xplore Afterschool Care Programme has been established to provide quality care for the children of Brookby School. It operates from the church hall between the hours of 7.30 am – 8.30 am and 15.00pm – 17.30pm Monday to Fridays. It is our intention to provide a professional service, which will give your child a safe, secure environment and an enjoyable quality care experience. Enrolments To enrol in Xplore please email us on [email protected] we will provide you with an enrolment form and you can proceed to book via email once the enrolment form is completed. |
Bell Times8.55 - 10.25 - Block One
10.25 - 10.30 - Morning Tea Eating 10.30 - 10.50 - Morning Tea recess 10.50 - 12.30 - Block Two 12.30 - 1.25 - Lunch 1.25 - 3pm - Block Three Term Dates2022 Term 1 Tuesday 8 February - Wednesday 13 April (Thursday 14th TOD) Term 2 Monday 2 May - Friday 8 July Monday 6 June - Queens Birthday Term 3 Monday 25 July - Friday 30 September Sunday 25 September - Ag Day Term 4 Monday 17 October - Thursday 16 December Friday 21 October - Ag day holiday Monday 24 October - Labour day Teacher Only Days 2022: Thursday 14 April (Pause, Breathe Smile) |
Brookby School Annual Plan 2021 - 2023
If you would like to read more information about our strategic plan, please download the document below.
General Information:
Click here to read the full school uniform policy. Starting SchoolWe understand that starting school is a big deal. We believe that it is vital that your child’s transition to school is well planned, well organised and well considered. We personalize the process for your family and do our very best of get to know your child before they start at school. This process includes:
Digital TechnologyAt school we acknowledge that the world is increasingly digital and we need to prepare our students to succeed in an ever changing landscape. We realise that in order to prepare our students for the future they need to become digitally literate as well as acquiring skills that help them to overcome challenges.
The government has recently released a new digital technologies curriculum and we will be fully embracing this curriculum through our Digital Technology Programme. Digital Tech at Brookby School is about teaching students to solve problems, collaborate effectively, think critically and build resilience. We are very lucky at Brookby and are well resourced. Students will be using a variety of devices and apps to enhance their learning. Also they will be using a range of robotic and electronics. Our Digital Programmes include;
TūrangaWhat is Tūranga? Tūranga is the name if our school and community learning partnership. Tūranga is about working with parents and whānau to understand how your child is progressing in their learning over the first three years at school. It is also about supporting parents to help their children in their learning at home.
Making the most of this opportunity. As a parent you want to know how your child is doing in their learning. Tūranga allows you as a parent to know exactly how your child is doing at every stage of their learning. Tūranga is about:
Tūranga supports learning-focused relationships with parents. It can help you to:
See HERE for description of our zone
How to Enrol Brookby School operates a Ministry of Education approved enrolment scheme. Exact details of the school zone can be obtained from the school office. Acceptance of out of zone enrollments is according to the school enrolment policy and should be clarified with the school at the time of enquiry. Every student must complete an enrolment application form (see link below) complete with copies of the necessary identification as detailed on the form. Prospective parents and students are welcome to make an appointment to come and view the school. At the time of acceptance, all parents/guardians are asked to sign the school contract. OUT OF ZONE BALLOT DATE FOR ENROLMENTS FOR 2023 IS 15 OCTOBER 2022 DETAILS HERE Copy of the in zone enrolment form is available here. Brookby School Out of Zone Enrolment Application Form here Contact details Principal: Wayne Gillard School Secretary: Nichola Norris Email: [email protected] Address: 359 Brookby Road, RD1, Manurewa, 2576 Telephone: +64 (09) 530 8569 |
School Docs
We have all our policies and procedures on School Docs. Simply go to
You are able to view our policies and even add your thoughts
User Name: brookby
Password: brookby
You are able to view our policies and even add your thoughts
User Name: brookby
Password: brookby
Annual Report 2020